Artemas PA Maryland Wear Carry Class. Sept 10th and 11th. 
8/17/2022-Hello I will be updating this website continually in the next few days, I will be teaching classes in Maryland area. Probably starting the mid September-2022. I can be reached at 
Maryland Wear Carry Permit Class Info. 
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. 
Class can be taught outside of Maryland see below:
Folks if you have arrived here due to some advertising that I did. I apologize I just could not get this to work out and teach these classes! 

Bring to class:  
   # A gun, this helps a lot to send bullets down range at a paper target, 38 or bigger, leave the dirty harry at home please. 
   # 50 rounds of ammo, this also helps a lot with shooting portion, 1 or more    magazines.
   #  Holster, earmuffs eye protection if you have them or I will provide.  
   #  Maybe a lunch or Road Kill Café is nearby for lunch. 
   #  Boots- The field could be a lil muddy. 
   #  I will have water and snacks. 
   #  This is a 2 day class 16 hours- it is not exciting but I try to make it fun 
   #  The class fee is $300.00, it needs to be paid to hold your place. 
   #  This address does work on google and apple maps. 
    # The link below is for references only on myself. I have been friends with          Carolyn and Dave that have this farm for 35 years now and I used to come up a lot and ride horses here. 
    # Good information from Maryland Shall Issue on the complete process. Please become a sponsor of this organization the fight will continue as cities and counties try to stop this, and we need this group fighting. 
    # Link to Maryland Shall Issue

If the buttons or payment options are removed the class is full and I will be posting another class. Please put the class date and your name and number in "notes" or "what is this for" section of the payment apps.  

Payments and Options 
I can receive payments through 
Cash App Charles English $armedforfreedom 
Venmo   Charles-English-3
Zelle  Charles English 432-210-4962
and paypal. is looking forward to getting you on the right path for carrying a gun. I have traveled extensively and flown numerous times with these tools, some people call them guns. Please come and enjoy the next session of the Maryland Handgun Wear and Carry Permit Training program with instructor Charley English.  This is a 2 day program and students must attend both days.   We provide all the required classroom and live fire range time and provide you detailed and individual assistance with the completion of the application. I will assist you during the entire process. This fun and very successful program fills quickly, please sign up and I look forward to meeting you. Cost per student is $300.00

Topics covered include:
Current Maryland Firearm Laws & Regulations
Developing a Personal Protection Plan
Self Defense Firearm Basics
Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
The Legal Use of Force
Violent Encounters and Their Aftermath
Gear and Gadgets 
Basic and Advanced Skills and Tactics

I still have friends and family in the Severna Park area which I come back to frequently and plus I really love getting people trained up for this adventure your going on. Not to mention I had very interesting law issue in 1986 on Richie Hwy in Severna Park which resulted in 5 court appearances and finally the issue was resolved. 
Taking the class is no guarantee you will get a Md Wear Carry Permit.  
Name and home address. Charles English- 2161 23rd Ave N. St. Petersburg, Florida 33713 and my number is 432-210-4962 and email is 
I would highly recommend an attorneys number in your phone. The picture above for the attorney, I clipped out of a paper in Maryland. I can also recommend Peter O'Neill in Glen Burnie Maryland and his office number is 410-761-6800